Leaders of Khanh Hoa province worked with EduClaas (Singapore) on the training program in Khanh Hoa

On April 12 in Nha Trang, within the framework of cooperation between EduClaas organization (Singapore) Military Software Park, A. Yersin Technology and Investment Joint Stock Company, and the Center for Digital Transformation and Public Application ASP technology had a meeting with leaders of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 14 người, mọi người đang đứng, mọi người đang ngồi, trong nhà và văn bản cho biết 'ỦY BAN NHÂN DÂN TỈNH KHÁNH HFA'
Các đại biểu tham gia Hội thảo

The cooperation between the Center for Digital Transformation & Application of ASP Technology and EduCLaaS Singapore aims to give students in Khanh Hoa in particular and students in Central Vietnam a launch pad to enter the IT world. Mr. Chow Kok Wei (Joel), Managing Director – EduClaaS Singapore, while talking about the partnership commented: “Traditional classroom-oriented training takes a lot of time as well as an opportunity cost. of students and businesses. Our integrated Digital Skills Acceleration solution called EduCLaaS with digital transformation mentoring delivers digital skills upgrading and digital transformation in the workplace.”

Có thể là hình ảnh về 9 người, mọi người đang ngồi, mọi người đang đứng, trong nhà và văn bản cho biết 'UY BAN NHÂN DÂN TÌNH KHÁNH HFA'
Ông Chow Kok Wei (Joel), Giám đốc điều hành – EduClaaS Singapore phát biểu.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Lu Vincent The Hung, Director – Center for Digital Transformation and Application of ASP Technology said, “The cooperation between the Center for Digital Transformation and application of ASP and EduCLaaS technology aims to bring give Vietnamese students a launching pad to enter the world of information technology. In addition, this program will also create conditions for participating universities to interact with the working environment and manage businesses through global digital technology.”

Có thể là hình ảnh về 15 người, mọi người đang đứng, mọi người đang ngồi và trong nhà

Mr. Lu Vincent The Hung, Director – Center for Digital Transformation and Technology Application ASP.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 11 người, mọi người đang ngồi, mọi người đang đứng, trong nhà và văn bản cho biết 'ỦY BAN NHÂN DÂN TÌNH KHÁNH HFA'

Mr. Dinh Van Thieu concluded at the meeting

. Mr. Dinh Van Thieu – Vice Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee welcomed the idea of ​​EduCLaaS and coordination units on implementing training programs and digital transformation in the locality. He assigned the Office of the Provincial People’s Committee to continue connecting with EduCLaaS and other units to research and consider cooperation in the coming time.

Đánh Giá

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